Category: Wellness & Mindset

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To Forgive Is to Live a Better Life

My dad and I were estranged when he passed away. I was practicing family medicine in Durham, CT, but on that fateful day, I was in Hyannis, MA, attending a writer’s conference. Cape Cod was not far from my childhood home in New Bedford, MA. Something was clearly drawing me back to the place. Living...

motivation for weight loss

How to Get Motivated For Weight Loss

Get motivated and stay motivated. If they can do it, you can do it too. Prehistoric Times vs. Today In caveman times, there were no prepared foods and certainly no grocery stores. There were no restaurants around the corner on those days when he felt too ill or sick to prepare a meal. People had...

money can't buy love money can't buy happiness

Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness

You would be hard-pressed to find someone more self-absorbed than Cher Horowitz from Clueless. She’s a rich kid who drains daddy’s pockets at every turn. She lives in a house as big as a mansion, wears only brand-name clothes, drives (or attempts to drive) luxury cars, and bribes her teachers for good grades. She’s one...

modern day funerals

How Funerals Have Changed Over Time

Life was simpler growing up. I am at that age where technology in high school meant giant desktop computers so big they took over the entire desk. In college, technology brought with it email and laptop computers. Today, how could I live without a cell phone in hand? A Simpler Time In many ways, technology...


Optimism is Good for Your Health

How you look at the world affects your physical and emotional health. It’s not always easy but here’s why you may want to turn more lemons into lemonade. Take a Look at the Bright Side Optimism may decrease your risk for heart disease. Diagnosis Life summary:Stress and heart disease go hand in hand. Now researchers...