How to Get Motivated For Weight Loss

motivation for weight loss

Get motivated and stay motivated. If they can do it, you can do it too.

Prehistoric Times vs. Today

In caveman times, there were no prepared foods and certainly no grocery stores. There were no restaurants around the corner on those days when he felt too ill or sick to prepare a meal. People had to gather their own food, pick fresh vegetation from the land, and hunt animals for protein. When food ran dry, they had to travel on foot to find more. They adapted to their environment and they succeeded … or we wouldn’t be here today.

Man has evolved from a cave-dwelling hunter to a man who thrives on invention and technology. Unfortunately, these “advances” have made us less self-reliant, at least physically, than our predecessors. Whereas early humans fought against the elements every day, our modern world of convenience limits our progress when it comes to health and fitness.

How to Find and Hold Onto Your Motivation

If only we could go back to our caveman roots. Sure, we act with urgency when there’s something at stake, but unlike the caveman, we have gotten complacent in most things. It shouldn’t take a heart attack or cancer to set our minds to right. Our health is critical to the quality of our existence NOW.

Focusing on health can be hard to do in the modern world that keeps distracting us. When things are “good”, “not bad”, “so-so”, or just “old hat”, we get used to them. We stop responding. We forget that we need to keep working for them. Instead, we are distracted by, well, EVERYTHING else!

It is time to open our eyes and stay in tune with what matters. Stay motivated with these simple principles.

STEP 1: Become More Self-Aware

To make lasting change, you first have to be aware of your own needs and goals. Be honest with yourself. What it is that YOU really want? If you work towards someone else’s expectations as opposed to your own, you are less likely to succeed in the long-run. Stay motivated by pursuing what inspires YOU.

  • What are your personal health goals? BE SPECIFIC. Write them down. The act of putting it down makes it “real”. It will help you to focus and make a commitment to yourself.
  • Make efforts to pursue these health goals. What do you think is holding you back? What are your fears? If yes, why do you think you were unsuccessful? How can you overcome these obstacles the next time around?

STEP 2: Introduce Yourself to “Future You”

“Future You” is the “you” you want to become, a healthier you, a happier you, a you with more self-control, a you who achieves INSERT YOUR GOALS HERE.

  • The ability to visualize “Future You” can help you stay motivated. Be as descriptive as possible in your mind’s eye. “Future You” may evolve over time, but the image of you succeeding in your goals will keep you on track.
  • Realize that “Future You” will not exist if you do not start making change today. The longer you procrastinate, the longer it will take to reach your goal … if ever. Avoid Scarlett O’Hara syndrome. “Future You” is worth it.

STEP 3: Set Small Attainable Goals

Recognition and accolades fuel the ego. A stroked ego is more likely to stay motivated while a deflated ego is more likely to give up. Give yourself multiple opportunities to succeed.

  • Do not set unattainable goals. For example, a goal to win the lottery is not in your control (you have better odds of being struck by lightning!) but a related goal to earn more money offers many creative opportunities. Think big but think within your means.
  • Put a timetable on your goals. This encourages forward progress. A nebulous end date opens the door for procrastination and possible failure.
  • Break larger goals into multiple parts. It can be difficult to stay on task for a goal that takes a long time to accomplish. You are more prone to get sidetracked or discouraged when you don’t get quick results. When you stage your goals, however, you offer more opportunities to revel in your successes.

For example, someone aims to lose 30 pounds in 6 months (1 total goal). A better approach would be to lose 5 pounds per month over 6 months (6 monthly goals). The more you break down a task, the more you can pat yourself on the back with each individual success as you approach your ultimate goal.

STEP 4: Reward Your Success

It is instinctive to reward ourselves for good behavior. Why not? You deserve it! Rewards can help you stay motivated.

  • Choose your rewards carefully. If you are trying to lose weight, rewarding yourself with dessert is self-sabotage. Celebrate your progress but remember to honor the commitment to your long-term goal.
  • Reward yourself after you reach a goal, never before. If you reward yourself prematurely (anticipating that you are about to reach your goal), you are accepting a false promise and excusing yourself from reaching your ultimate goal. Stay motivated so you can earn your reward.

STEP 5: Stay Positive

You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Yes, life is a balancing act, but it’s also the best show on earth.

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