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parents expectations

Are Parents Really That Clueless?

Parents must have been in a tizzy when Ferris Bueller’s Day Off came out. I was in the 6th grade. Watching a young Matthew Broderick do whatever the hell he wanted was not only amusing but awe-inspiring. What middle or high schooler didn’t want to feel as confident or in-control as Ferris Bueller? All a...


To Forgive Is to Live a Better Life

My dad and I were estranged when he passed away. I was practicing family medicine in Durham, CT, but on that fateful day, I was in Hyannis, MA, attending a writer’s conference. Cape Cod was not far from my childhood home in New Bedford, MA. Something was clearly drawing me back to the place. Living...

sucked into a jet engine icd-10

That Time I Wore a Cape and (Almost) Flew

Who doesn’t love a good cape? It all depends on the situation, I suppose. The Time I Wore a Cape When I had the privilege of being a drum major in college (go, Boston University!), I got to wear a cape. It was silver and shiny and oh so long, on me at least. That’s what a...

Bechdel test

13 Movies with Female Leads That Fail the Bechdel Test

Women haven’t always been given a fair shake in the movie industry. From acting to directing to producing, men have historically dominated the field. It’s about time that women are better represented. That’s where the Bechdel test comes into play. Women in Film The goal of the Bechdel Test is to look for gender equality in...

money can't buy love money can't buy happiness

Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness

You would be hard-pressed to find someone more self-absorbed than Cher Horowitz from Clueless. She’s a rich kid who drains daddy’s pockets at every turn. She lives in a house as big as a mansion, wears only brand-name clothes, drives (or attempts to drive) luxury cars, and bribes her teachers for good grades. She’s one...