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novel in a drawer

Why So Many Writers Have a Novel in the Drawer

If are a writer, odds are you have a novel in the drawer (or buried deep in your computer drive). It would be surprising if you didn’t. The Novel in the Drawer You might put a novel in the drawer for any number of reasons. Maybe you never finished your manuscript. You ran out of...

exercise bike fitness pedal to the metal

Time to Go Pedal to the Metal

There is a fabulous montage in Bridget Jones’s Diary where Bridget gets so frustrated by the men in her life that she runs off to the gym to cycle off some pounds. Bridget, they’re not worth it. Pedal to the Metal Bridget pumps and goes pedal to the metal, sweating up a storm and giving...

how to write best-selling author famous writers j k rowling stephen king

How to Write Like a Pro: Atwood to Rowling

Every new writer wants to know the secrets to publishing success, as if there is some magic formula that will guarantee a six-figure contract and best-seller status. There isn’t. Any established writer, however, knows two things to be true. Your goal needs to be on finishing that manuscript. To that end, it can sometimes be...

best-selling author famous writers

How to Write Like a Pro: Stephen King And More

Every new writer, or even established author, wants to know the “best” way to write a best-selling novel. Even Game of Thrones author George RR Martin asked horror junkie Stephen King, “How the f*** do you write so fast? I have a good six months and crank out three chapters, meanwhile, you wrote three books...

every woman wants to be wonder woman

Why Women Need Wonder Woman

There is nothing quite like training to be a doctor. It is a rigorous process with a learning curve as steep as a NASA shuttle’s trajectory into outer space. Not only are the hours long but the breadth and depth of the knowledge gained are over the moon, knowing that someone’s life may one day...

love what you do

Don’t Forget to Do What You Love

Don’t let what you do stop you from doing what you love. That may sound a bit trite, even cliche, but the sad truth is most of us don’t spend our days doing what we love. We spend our days just getting by. What Do You Do? As much as we want to do the...

The First Step to a Successful Writing Career

The First Step to a Successful Writing Career

It’s time to reveal the secret that successful writers have known for years. From the first word on the page to six-figure publishing deals with the Big Five (Penguin, Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster, Hachette, and MacMillan), this is how you go down the path to becoming a successful writer. The First Step to a Successful Writing...

bridget jones new year resolution

How to Make a Flexible Resolution

If you are like hundreds of millions of people around the world, you made a resolution this year. Join the Club Look what it did for Bridget Jones! At first, she mocked New Year’s resolutions, sarcastically telling Mark Darcy she wanted to cut down on drinking and quit smoking, all while holding a mimosa and...