A Dog Really Is a (Wo)Man’s Best Friend

best friend

Many of us had pets growing up or have pets as we grow older. Dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, fish, pigs, rabbits, turtles, and what young child hasn’t wanted a pony all their own?

Having pets is not about ownership. It is about companionship. With a simple look or a wag of the tail, a pet becomes family, and with a whole heart, we love them for being a part of our lives.

The Love of Pets

Pets love us for who we are, flaws and all.

They don’t care what we are wearing, that our hair is sticking out, or that we haven’t shaved. They don’t care that we burned dinner, that we screwed up at work, or that we made any number of mistakes. All they care about is that we are there, even if they are just nuzzling at your feet while you type up a blog post.

The love of a pet is unconditional, and with that, they teach us how to be our best selves. It is because they want to be our best friend and we should be theirs. Their ability to live in the moment (look at that tail go!) shows us that happiness is not only attainable, it is all around us.

Through Thick and Thin

We all think our pet is the best but mine really was.

Francie came into my life during my intern year in Family Medicine in 2003. She was there during the good times when I joined my first medical practice, when I published my first book, when I ran my first 5K, 10K, and then half-marathon. She watched me struggle through hard times too, and when times got even tougher, she walked with me, played catch with me, and snuggled up close for a much-needed respite.

She was there when I brought my two children home from the hospital, and in some ways, she had been a big non-human sister to them. She was their protector, jumping up to check out an innocent cough or sneeze and barking at passersby who would dare come too close. She even followed me to the changing table when they needed a diaper change.

Francie was there for me more than most people I know.

Saying Goodbye to a Best Friend

When my kids were 6 and 11 years old, our devoted friend came to the end of her days. I remember the night her health took a turn. Her wheezing travelled from across the room and I saw that she was breathing twice as fast as normal. When she looked at me with those fearful puppy eyes, I knew. We rushed her to the vet, but despite oxygen and supportive care, she began coughing up blood. We loved her so much, we had to let her go.

After 13 years together, I reflexively went to fill her water dish or grab the leash to take her for a walk. I looked to lock the upstairs gate so she wouldn’t sneak into my bedroom to steal my socks. Sometimes, I still say her name when I see something she used to like to do. She will never be forgotten.

Dog (noun): The best friend you will ever have. A loyal loving companion that cares for you more than himself. A special creature whose time in your heart will far outnumber its days on earth.

Credit unknown

Moving Forward

I had to say goodbye to my beloved Francie, but you may have “best” pets all your own. For pets past, present, and future, this is a tribute to every single one of them, those loving living creatures that make your life a bit brighter every day, regardless of how many legs, fins, or wings they have.

Enjoy them now, play with them now, make the most of the now. Our pets bring us into the moment, and that, my friend, is what life is all about.

It took two years before I was brave enough to get another dog. Jude, a beagle, is his own dog with his own personality. We absolutely adore him. I cannot help but think he and Francie would have made great friends.

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