Love Is About What You Do, Not What You Say


Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. That’s what happens to Diane and Paul, two awkward scientist friends who are unlucky in love but find it in the most unexpected way.

Words Matter

The two get their hands on a gypsy’s potion (Love Potion No. 8) and learn something interesting about its chemical properties. When someone ingests it, any word they speak, any vocalization — even a cough, becomes irresistible to the opposite sex. The effect only lasts for four hours but hey, it’s better than nothing, right?

In the real world, we don’t need a Love Potion No. 8 to understand the power of words. We are affected by them every day. Use them wisely.

  • Mean what you say. If you’re someone who says what people want to hear or someone who sprinkles in little white lies, don’t. The truth will always come out. Let your words stand for something.
  • Don’t get twisted up. Think before you speak. Vague words can be taken out of context. Lashing out in the heat of the moment causes problems. Don’t put yourself in a situation where your own words can be used against you.
  • Just say it. Whether it’s standing up for yourself or telling someone how you feel, don’t be afraid to speak up. Life is too short for regrets.

Actions Speak

What luck that those who need it most find a bonafide love potion! To prove it works, Diane and Paul do what any good scientist would do — they test it out. Before long, she finds herself courted by a handsome prince and he plays the field with a long line of sorority girls.

What they don’t do is talk to each other after they take the potion. Instead, they keep their lips sealed until the potion wears off in four hours. After all, it would be awkward to influence your friend and co-worker that way. They do not want hollow words to change their personal dynamic.

Unfortunately, we do not all avoid those hollow words in everyday life. How often do you ask someone (or someone asks you) “how are you doing?” Odds are you would be surprised (and maybe a bit flustered) if someone gave you a full-out dissertation-style answer on their true feelings. Are you ready for it? If not, then why did you ask them in the first place?

The same goes for love. Some people throw out the words “I love you” as if on autopilot. A spouse or a parent heads out of the house for an errand and says the words as they close the door behind them. Without letting the sentiment shine through, do the words even matter? Slow down. Look your loved one in the eye. Show them how you feel. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

Express Yourself

This is a rom-com so it isn’t much of a spoiler to say that Diane and Paul realize they were looking for love in all the wrong places. Enter true love, a dastardly villain, a wedding, and Love Potion No. 9 (a potion that reverses the effects of Love Potion No. 8) and you’ve got a feel-good movie on your hands. I’ll leave it to you to see how it works out.

The point is that love is unlikely to come to pass if you sit around waiting for it to happen. It also doesn’t happen if you force it on people. The trick is to be open and honest. Being vulnerable allows people to see your true colors. That’s where real connections are made.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Those words always hit me in the gut. It’s not enough to say the right things. Mean what you say. It’s not enough to go through the motions. Do everything with intent. That’s how you build a meaningful life. That’s how you find the love you deserve.

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