Happy Mother’s Day to the Best Mom Ever

Rocky statue, Philadelphia, PA

Every day is Mother’s Day. Whether you are close to your mother or not, the fact remains you owe her more than you can ever repay her. She gave you life. She carried you in her body for nine months. She watched her body undergo countless changes to bring you into this world. Some of those changes will last her a lifetime. Pregnancy even changes the neural circuitry of the brain.

The Joys of Motherhood

Mother's Day every day
Me (Tanya Feke) and my mom Nina on my wedding day in 2002

Raising a child is no small feat, and I am not talking about the 4,000+ diaper changes in the first year. I am not even talking about the late nights that, believe it or not, caused your parents to lose 20+ hours of sleep per week or 44 full days over that same year. For those parents brave enough to take on the task, moms and dads alike, it is a rewarding experience. Raising a child is less about duty and more about sacrifices, lessons learned (on both sides), and most importantly, love.

Until I became a mother, I thought I knew what love was, but I only knew one version of it. Of course, I thought I knew. We all think we know. We love family members, spouses, lovers, and friends. Still, while these relationships can be rich and magnificent, they pale in comparison to what happens when a mother first holds her child in her arms. The flooding of emotion knocks her world off its axis.

Maybe it is that neural circuitry again, but as a mom, I can say it is all worth it.

Ode to My Mom

Mother's Day every day
My mom Nina, my son Gilbert (6 months old), and myself (Tanya Feke) in 2006

My mom has been through a lot in her time. The details are not for my readers to know, but mom, know that I know.

You had me at a young age and set everything aside to raise me. You braved a squeaking clarinet when I first learned to play. You listened to thousands (and thousands) of hours of Wham! and George Michael music even when you didn’t like it. You taught me a period was not just the dot at the end of a sentence. You jumped up and down with me when I got my college acceptance letters. You cried when you first held my son in your arms. You always encouraged me to reach for the stars, and you taught me there is no shame in starting over.

When I needed an ear, you were always there to listen, and I talked … a lot. Whenever I needed something, whether it was a deposit for a band trip we could barely afford or a makeshift scarecrow costume for the Halloween dance (we won the contest!), you made sure I had it. When life got hard, you taught me to weather the storm. You taught me to be resilient. You made me strong. You showed me love.

I just want you to know, big or small, the things you have done and the things you do mean more than you know. Thank you for being you and thank you for being there, Mother’s Day and every day.

Celebrate Mother’s Day Every Day

Mother's Day every day
My sister Kim, my mom Nina, me (Tanya Feke), and my brother Dennis in 2017

Show appreciation to your mother, whether she is your birth mother or your adopted mother, and strengthen your bond. You do not have to be a parent yourself to recognize all that she has brought to the table. You may have had your ups and downs, but there will always be a connection. Be thankful for all that you have and remember your adventures along the way.

Today, I wish all mothers (THANK YOU, MOM!) a Happy Mother’s Day, and I can only hope that one day, if and when they become parents themselves, my own children will feel the same intensity of emotion my husband and I did when we brought them into this world.

For now, my children show their love with hugs and kisses. For now, I have some fabulous handmade cards to read that will brighten my day. For now, I have true gratitude for the gifts I have been given. The wonders of motherhood have blessed me with a happy life.