Books Make the Best Christmas Gifts

Books Make the Best Christmas Gifts

Christmas is a joyous time, but that does not mean it brings me joy to go Christmas shopping. To take the sting out of it, I make a point to visit the nearest book shop.

The Thought That Counts

The way someone’s eyes light up when they open a gift they like or didn’t expect warms my heart. Wouldn’t it be great to feel that way year round?

The problem with Christmas is that people feel obligated to give gifts. Not only do they miss what Christmas is all about, the unspoken expectation to give gifts to anyone and everyone takes the fun out of it. It’s not meaningful anymore. It’s work.

Ironically, this happens after Thanksgiving, a holiday where we show gratitude for the things we have. Somehow a hug and a piece of pumpkin pie were sufficient on Thanksgiving Day but a large screen TV was needed on Black Friday. It makes no sense.

If it is really the thought that counts, THINK about your gifts. They should reflect your appreciation for others. They should mean something. I would rather have the sweater handmade by an aunt who made the head hole too small than a random item meant to impress me with a high price tag. The memory of a hug may be the best gift of all.

The Best Christmas Gifts

Gift cards seem so impersonal, and generic gifts like boxes of candy or scented candles seem trite unless, of course, you know the person you are giving them to absolutely loves them. That said, I have a niece who specifically asks for gift cards, mainly because it would be rude to ask for cash outright. I suppose she doesn’t trust me to get something she would like. Obviously, she is missing the whole point of the season — to give is better than to receive.

I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews. At any age, I always feel it is important to inspire the joy of reading. That’s why I try to give books during the holidays. There are always new ideas to be explored and new ways of thinking. You will not only be entertained by a good book, you will grow from one too.

You can find books tailored to someone’s specific interests or you can share books that are personal to you. With a simple gift, you can show someone how well you know them or you can share a part of yourself so that you can become closer. Is it any wonder books make the best Christmas gifts?

The Gift That Counts

Christmas is a time of hope, or at least it is supposed to be. Unfortunately, many people hope for “things”. In the end, they hope they will be able to pay off their credit cards after all the extravagant shopping.

What they forget, like my niece, is that Christmas is not about what you get. It’s about what you give. That’s why so many people donate to charity at this time of year. There are many worthy causes out there, and I do my fair share of donating too. However, generosity does not have to come from a checkbook. Do something that will help others, and don’t forget to be kind and charitable to the people in your own life too.

Remember that the gift of your time is more precious than any commodity. Anyone who has lost a loved one can tell you that. Spending time with others and sharing your ideas with them means more than your money ever will. This holiday season, reach out to your family and friends and give a book or two. If you get the opportunity to read to a child, do it. If you have the chance to sit down with a loved one and talk about what you’ve read, do it. It is time well spent and the best Christmas gift money can never buy.

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