How a Gratitude List Can Change Your Life

gratitude list

Is the glass half empty or half full? Trick question. The glass is ALWAYS full. Literally, it’s half liquid and half air. Every square inch of that glass is full of something.

The Gratitude List

The trick is to be thankful for the things you have. That’s where a gratitude list can come in handy.

It is too easy to be caught up in our wants. We all want things. When we get what we want, we look for something else to want. We forget that we already have wonderful things in our lives, things that other people could only wish they had.

Before you balk and say that I have no idea what you are going through in your life, that I have never walked a mile in your shoes, stop and think. Do you have food? A roof over your head? Access to clean water? At the very least you have access to a computer or phone to read this post.

Too often we take things for granted but those are the very things that ought to be put on a gratitude list. The simple act of appreciation can enhance our quality of life.  The positive energy that comes from that feeling of gratitude can transform the darkest moment into the brightest gift.


Each and every day, pay homage to the things that make you feel good.

STEP 1: Acknowledge It

Acknowledge when something makes you feel good.  The big things are easy: Parents may immediately think of their children, homeowners of their houses, employees of their good fortune at holding a job in a tough economy.  Certainly, each of these deserves colossal gratitude, but that is easy. 

Try to dig deeper.  What makes you feel good in any given moment.  Is it physical?  A sound?  A smell?  A taste? A touch?  An image?  Or is it an emotion?  An interaction?  An accomplishment?  Search for the why.  The deeper you look within yourself, the more you will benefit from the experience.

STEP 2: Share It

Take that appreciation and let it out into the world.  Journal it.  Add a comment on this blog.  Talk to a friend.  Tell a stranger.  True gratitude is not sheltered.  When that positive energy goes out into the world, it comes back to you and makes you feel even better for it.

You will be surprised how a simple change of focus can change how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Open yourself to the possibilities. Start your gratitude list today!

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