Tag: neuro disease

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mediterranean diet

Why The Mediterranean Diet Is So Good For You

The Mediterranean diet not only tastes good, it comes with a lot of health benefits. Your doctor may encourage you to give it a try if you have or are at risk for heart disease. To be honest, it’s good for everyone for so many reasons. What parts of the diet could you incorporate into...

lead exposure

Lead Exposure in Adults and Kids

Lead exposure remains a public health crisis. If anything, Flint, Michigan taught us that. Action needs to be taken to decrease exposures that could have life-long complications — for young and old alike. Everyone Should Be Screened for Lead Lead exposure may be associated with hard-to-control hypertension. Diagnosis Life summary:Many people have a hard time...

smartphone app for smoking cessation

Even One Cigarette Is Bad for You

You all know that smoking is bad for you, but how bad? It doesn’t only cause lung disease from all the smoke you inhale. It affects your blood vessels too and most every cell in your body. Let’s dig deeper into the harms of cigarette smoking and see just how prevalent it really is. The...

vitamin d

Is Vitamin D All It’s Hyped Up To Be?

We all know Vitamin D is important for bone health. It may play a role in a number of other medical conditions too. Low vitamin D levels have been associated with conditions like COPD, hypertension, migraine headaches, and Parkinson’s disease. Despite this, there has been a lot of controversy regarding the effectiveness of vitamin D...